Rubbermaid Auto Foam Alcohol Hand Rub 1L

Code: RUB-1869697 / (1) In Stock


Rubbermaid AutoFoam Alcohol Plus Hand Rub 4 x 1000ml

Rubbermaid Auto Foam Alcohol Plus Hand rub 4x1000ml is a high-quality hand sanitiser that is designed to help you maintain a clean and hygienic environment. This product is perfect for use in high-traffic areas such as hospitals, schools, offices, and other public places. The auto foam dispensing system ensures that the right amount of sanitiser is dispensed every time, reducing waste and saving you money.

The Rubbermaid Auto Foam Hand Sanitiser 4 x 1000ml is gentle on skin and enriched with shea butter and vitamin E to prevent drying of skin. This makes it perfect for use by people with sensitive skin or those who frequently use hand sanitisers.

Another great feature of this product is its long-lasting protection. The sanitiser provides up to 3 hours of protection against harmful bacteria and germs, making it ideal for use in high-risk areas where the risk of infection is high. The product is also effective against viruses such as the flu and COVID-19, providing peace of mind to users.

Rubbermaid Auto Foam Hand Sanitiser 4x1000ml is also easy to use and maintain. The auto foam dispensing system ensures that the right amount of sanitiser is dispensed every time, reducing waste and saving you money. The product is also easy to refill, and the 4x1000ml pack size ensures that you always have enough sanitiser on hand.

In addition to its features, the Rubbermaid Auto Foam Hand Sanitiser 4x1000ml also has several benefits. The product is cost-effective, providing long-lasting protection against harmful bacteria and germs at a competitive price.

If you are looking for a high-quality hand sanitiser that provides long-lasting protection, then Rubbermaid Auto Foam Hand Sanitiser 4x1000ml is the perfect choice.