In the world of carbon reduction Green House Gas (GHG) plays a major role, with the majority of the worlds focus on reducing fossil fuels. Scopes 1,2 and 3 Emissions are fairly well understood. However, Scope 4 Emissions less so, as there are no internationally recognised protocols.
Scope 4 emissions is all about measuring emissions avoidance, and comparing what you did before with what you do now. The chart displayed demonstrates this well, taking the example of petrochemical based cleaners verses a biotech product such as the Jangro ntrl range you can see how GHG avoidance is possible.
Despite the fact that many claim to the contrary its almost impossible exactly quantify what that saving is because people measure different things and some measure less factors than others.
However, in the example used there is strong evidence that using a probiotic over a petrochemical will undoubtedly reduce GHG’s and your carbon footprint.
If we start with the Raw Materials, we are comparing a fossil fuel-based product to a renewable product grown by fermentation.
Most probiotics are super concentrated – resulting in reduced transportation emissions.
Biotech products continue to work for a longer period of time reducing the amount of product used and increasing efficacy. Nature has been using bugs to break down waste for millions of years its simply a continuation of that process.
See our ntrl range of environmentally positive cleaning products and start reducing your impact on the environment today. ntrl range
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